Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Eckhart Tolle's
Present Moment Reminder: "It is not by resisting or running away from,
but by that deep act of surrender that the divine is realized. And that
amazingly does not take time. Surrender can only be now."

I am often asked how I've managed to maintain my fitness and flexibility after having 6 children. It's a strange question if you think about it. And the answer is in the question itself. In other words, my answer is that I don't question it. I don't say to myself what other people seem to be saying: You have six kids. Why aren't you stiff and out of shape?

I usually skip the more detailed explanation, which involves pointing out that they have some preconceived ideas in their belief system that are somewhat limited. Generally, I keep it simple. I tell them it's all about keeping a good attitude. Everyone can relate to that on some level, because if you pay attention to life for even one clear moment, you'll see that it's true.

One woman in a fitness class that I was taking decided to be more insistent in her questions about my level of flexibility. I said something about how flexibility of mind can translate into flexibility of body. And she gave me an eye-rolling look of disbelief that said: I know this is California, but spare me the hippie philosophy. What she said out loud was: No really, how do you do it?

And this was my answer: Most people think that stretching is about forcing your way through the tight spots, from the outside in. But it's not. It's about allowing your body to release the tension that you are holding within it. The point of release comes from deep within you, and works its way through to the outer layers of your body.

Pushing against resistance creates more resistance. Allowing its release creates freedom of movement.

I think she was sorry she asked.

I was reminded of this when I read the above Eckhart Tolle quote, because you create more freedom of movement in your life the same way you do it with your body. Both involve a "deep act of surrender". If there is something in your life that has been stubbornly resistant to change, the answer can never involve more resistance. Instead, allow it to be, and you will find yourself moving through that block as if it were never really there at all.

1 comment:

  1. love this Dorothy! As a fellow fitness enthusiast, I can relate totally to this!! My biggest challenge is to listen to my body when it sometimes tells me to rest!! I get most of my messages from the Higher Realms while running or on the elliptical machine!! Go figure!!
