Half of the confusion in the world comes from not knowing how little we need... I live more simply now, and with more peace. ~Richard Byrd
The more complicated you make things, the further you're getting from the truth. Life is pretty simple when you get right down to it. It's all about Love. Deep down, everybody knows this. Yet somehow, we still try to make life about something that we see as "more". More than Love? Not possible.
A few years ago I told a young man in his 20's that the purpose of life was to enjoy it. He couldn't accept that life was about something so simple. He insisted that if it was the truth then everyone would do whatever selfish thing they wanted, without caring who they hurt in the process, and the entire world would fall apart.
I told him that hurting people doesn't make you happy. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", could be completed with, "because they (or someone else) most certainly will." And that's a good thing. It's the perfect way for Life to teach us what will make us happy: LOVE.
As I get older, time seems to be speeding up. But the events within time seem to be slowing down. I notice things that completely escaped my attention in my younger days. Most importantly, I notice that absolutely everything I do comes back to me, and with greater swiftness as my wisdom grows. And that's a good thing. It means I am learning how to love more quickly than I used to. The more love I send out into the world, the more love I receive, and the more joyful my life becomes. It's simple.
It really is true that all you need is love. Absolutely everything comes from love. We are love. That's what's real. That's what works. Keep it simple, pay attention, and you'll see it too.
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