Saturday, December 19, 2009

God's Eyes

Clarity is knowing that:

1. All is well.
2. God is good.
3. This is the Kingdom of God.
4. This is Heaven on Earth.

Be still, and know...

~Dorothy Mendoza Row

In the months before my brother's sudden death at 18, he shared with me a vision he experienced. He was with a group of friends at a casino restaurant in Reno, Nevada, when the movements of a girl working behind a counter caught his eye. All of a sudden, and without any warning that he could discern, he had a 360 degree view of everything the girl was doing, both from her perspective, as well as from separate vantage points. He couldn't really explain it in words, but I had an idea of what he meant.

I was 29 years old, and still in the very early years of The Mystical Experience, but I had read somewhere about God's view of the world being everywhere at once. I told him I thought it was a vision of how God sees, or a small part of it at least. He didn't really have any context of his own to insert the experience into. Not that he minded. He was always just going with the flow of things.

Jeff's death completely obliterated my view of the world. I remembered his vision, and somehow, through the fog of deep, paralyzing grief, I managed to set my intent toward seeing through God's Eyes. My total inability to process the current facts of my life clued me in to an important truth. I really needed a new vantage point. God's Eyes became my goal.

That was 1997. Have I learned to see with God's Eyes in the intervening 12 years? Well, that could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different types of people.

So my answer is: Well, I don't know. Maybe. It depends on what you mean by that. I just know that I see things more clearly all the time. And the more clearly I see things, the better they look.

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